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The Change of 'Tsau-di': How the Landscape of a Rural VillageTransformed from Qing Dynasty to the 1970s
作者 蔡嘉信
By incorporating fieldwork interview, literature review, and visual representation, this paper examines the historical changes of Tugou village, a rural village located in the Jia-Nan Plain of Southwestern Taiwan. In local dialect Hokkien, Tugou is named as ”Tsau-di” (grass-land), which is a common name for countryside in Taiwan. But how does this rural grass-land becomes a rural village nowadays remains unseen in academic research. To understand the changing landscape in rural Taiwan, the author conducted interviews with local Tugou residents from summer 2007 to spring 2008 and collected information from fieldwork as well as from historical maps. Due to the lack of primary documents from Tugou, such as family tree records, extant land deals, or even photos, this author reconstructs the visual presentation of Tugou's historical landscape and analyzes the drawings here. The analysis shows that, on the one hand, in transition from Qing Dynasty, Colonial Period to the seventies, the landscape of Tugou has been homogenized as flat and accessible for farming. On the other hand, residents' relations with local environment have become more alienated than before. To sum up, this historical, visual analysis of Tugou's landscape and its relationship with local residents offers a crucial contribution to a better understanding of the everyday life in rural Taiwan.
起訖頁 89-137
關鍵詞 方言地名地景變遷土溝草地toponym in dialectchange of landscapeTugouTsau-di
刊名 思與言  
期數 201112 (49:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「社區影像」作為文化政策:一個批判性的回顧
該期刊-下一篇 農村再生條例關注行動中的象徵鬥爭




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