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Can We Deduce the Principle of Rule of Law from Confucianism? An Analysis Based on the Conception of Moral Autonomy
作者 何信全
In this paper, I would like to investigate the issue whether it is possible to deduce the principle of rule of law from Confucianism. Admittedly, instead of ”rule of law”, the ideal state is ”rule of sage-king” in traditional China. Nevertheless, the point is whether it is possible to seek the resources for the justifications of rule of law in Confucianism by a new interpretation or so-called 'creative transformation'. Through the comparative analyses with the justifications of rule of law in liberalism, such as Lock's 'liberty under the rule of law' based on human reason, the transformation from Rousseau's 'general will' to Kant's 'categorical imperative', and Rawls's principles of justice which are analogous to categorical imperative, I indicate we could deduce the principle of rule of law from idealistic Confucianism which originated from Mencius, through Sung-Ming to contemporary neo-Confucianism. As the justifications of rule of universal law, Mencius's ”human nature is good”, Lu Hsiang-shan's ”mind is principles” and Wang Yang-ming's chih liang-chih are all based on the conception of moral autonomy. From this viewpoint, I conclude that it seems possible to deduce the principle of rule of law from Confucianism.
起訖頁 165-195
關鍵詞 儒學自由主義法治原則道德自主性普遍性ConfucianismLiberalismPrinciple of Rule of LawMoral AutonomyUniversalizability
刊名 思與言  
期數 201106 (49:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 殷海光對儒家的批判與反思
該期刊-下一篇 平權的制度與個人




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