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How Can One Advance in a Historical Spirit a Sociological Question? A Case of Studies on Weber in Taiwan
作者 林錚 (Cheng Lin)
Developments known by sociology relates in his debut discipline history. Whatever Marx, Durkheim and Weber, their works are all inseparable from an historical interest. As and when it has a tinge of positivism, the sociology strives to be translated into objectivity, compared to that of natural sciences which have nothing from now on to do with an understanding of character singular but general. The situation has changed considerably since the late '70s, when some of the scholars begin to emphasize the historical dimension of sociological research, by drawing ours inspiration on classical lessons. In the case of Taiwan, without doubt, among the master-thinkers, Weber's work carries on this great influence and allows the sociologist community to develop a historical sociology. But how to reconcile appropriately the sociology with the history will be a significant challenge. For this new sociology is not content to complement the key concepts by more historical materials. On the other hand, how Weber deals the Buddhism in particular in China attracted the attention of a historian who is also one of the translators of Hinduismus und Buddhismus. It is on the solution of this question that this historian suggests a possibility that the concern historian is able to bring up a sociological problematic, provided there is a problem common and accessible both to the sociologist than historian.
起訖頁 221-253
關鍵詞 韋伯佛教歷史學/社會學關係康樂Max WeberBuddhismrelationship sociology/historyKang Le
刊名 思與言  
期數 201012 (48:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 北宋理學「天人之道」溯源:以唐中葉「氣、天、易」為線索




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