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Publishing, Place and Cultural Imagination: Media Spaces and Cultural Landscape of The Lord of the Rings
作者 孫嘉穗
This article, by exploring the case studies of the J.R. Tolkein book ”The Lord of the Rings” and the Tolkien Weekend in Birmingham, UK, reveals ways in which a story that began as a printed publication extended to a variety of media spaces and cultural activities. Cultural politics have been engaged in the process when ”The Lord of the Rings” was spread by different media forms, in different historical periods and in different locations in a global context. It shows the connection between cultural products, cultural landscape and local communities. Also analyzed in this article are the vibrant dimensions among publications, places and cultural imagination. The article first investigates the adaptation of the story to different media spaces which include printed forms, radio and film. In England and New Zealand, the story used different media forms to accommodate differing cultural policies in specific historical periods of time and also to link with everyday life. This article further demonstrates the case study of the Tolkien Weekend in Birmingham. The story became alive and continues to extend into various cultural activities and social networks. The Tolkien Weekend activities have reshaped the local cultural landscape and connected with cultural imagination, memory and city branding. The cultural events have brought about reform of local networks and set many participants upon a personal spiritual journey.
起訖頁 103-130
關鍵詞 魔戒出版地方文化想像媒介空間Media spacePublishingPlaceCultural imagination
刊名 思與言  
期數 201003 (48:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 慢慢地走在黑暗電影院的裡面:分析蔡明亮⋘不散⋙中的異質空間與電影的行徑路途
該期刊-下一篇 文化創意產業、創意階級城市論著的批判性檢視




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