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The Development and Limitation of Human Rights of Taiwan in Post-Martial Law-Compares with other Asian Countries
作者 魏千峰
After martial Law was lifted in Taiwan in 1987, ruler's policy, civil societies' advocacy, news medias' dissemination and government's practice had made human rights protection of this country much progress Examineing the present conditions, we can find Taiwan still has some drawbacks although she is called the first liberal and democratic nation in Asia. The freedom of speech and woman's right of Taiwan are better than other Asian countries. But property right and personal freedom of Taiwan still has some insufficiency. With regard to the freedom of assembly and association, worker's rights, indigenous peoples' right and environmental right, Taiwan should promote them greatly. This country faces serious hindrance about human rights. These includes national policy 、slow adaption of government、insufficiency of outside causes 、the problems of civil societies and human rights culture The writer contends the road of human rights is not return. We have to continuously enrich the forms and substantial of human rights.
起訖頁 1-103
關鍵詞 亞洲價值公民社會言論自由婦女權利財產權人身自由勞工權利原住民族權利環境權人權文化Asian Valuecivil societyfreedom of speechwomans's rightproperty rightpersonal freedomworker's rightindigenous peoples rightenvironmental righthuman rights culture
刊名 思與言  
期數 200812 (46:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 從大學自治之本質論退學制度兼評大法官釋字第五六三號解釋




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