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General Education and the Higher Education of Taiwan
作者 陳介英
The main characteristic of education for the Universities or colleges in Taiwan is that all of then are supervised by the ministry of education for everything. For instance, regardless salaries of faculties and the tuition fee or curriculum planning, all are controlled by the Government. The goal or mission of the universities or colleges, are usually detached from their educational activities in reality. We find that the biggest difficulty for improving the significanct of general education is based on the trivial structure of credits for the hightr education of Taiwan. The other obstacle for the dovelopment of general education is that there are many fixed boundaries between various disciplines and classes. Actually, general education is the kind of curriculum which can help the students to integrate the social resources and different disciplines or technology. Also, it could be an education for the students to get wisdom and to have lively lives. This article is trying to figure out the limitations for the development of general education, and also trying to find out the way of breakthrough for it.
起訖頁 1-33
關鍵詞 通識教育博雅教育大學教育社會脈絡社會資源統整general educationliberal educationhigher educationsocial contextintegration of social resources
刊名 思與言  
期數 200806 (46:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 戰爭與全球化:邁向「永久和平」?或恆久的「全球內戰」?




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