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敵人、戰爭與政治秩序:史密特(Carl Schmitt)論戰爭與政治秩序的形成
Enemy, War and the Political Order: Carl Schmitt on War and the Formation of Political Order
作者 柯朝欽
本文主要從戰爭的角度來探討德國政治思想家史密特(Carl Schmitt)關於政治秩序的思想論述。一方面,在關於史密特的詮釋文獻中甚少以戰爭為史密特的政治思想主題,而戰爭在史密特的政治思想中卻具有非常重要的決定陝角色;另一方面,本文認為,史密特對於戰爭與政治秩序的論述具有豐富的啟發性。本文分六小節,並且把史密特對於戰爭與政治秩序的論述分為三個主要的理論建構時期與層次。在第一節分別就「戰爭」、「政治」與「秩序」這三個概念在史密特的政治思想中所具有的根相意義予以論述:在第二節則以一國之內的例外狀態作為一種史密特的戰爭/暴力的理論起點:第三節則以史密特探討國與國之間的敵人與戰爭的古典政治領域定義之關係;第四節則探討在二戰爆發之前,史密特如何擴大為從全球空間為範圍的層次來思考戰爭與政治秩序形成的關係,而在這時期,史密特提出了陸地與海洋、陸權與海權,以及空間奪取的法/秩序之思想。第五節則以史密特對內戰的觀察而提出的游擊隊理論為主,以補充他40年前的敵友劃分理論。最後,在第六節的結論中,本文則以當代關於「恆常的例外狀態」與「例外狀態的外部化」的兩個詮釋史密特的戰爭論述來做為總結。並以班雅明(W. Benjamin)的彌賽亞主義來以之作為對話。
This context is mainly covered of Carl Schmitt's discourse on ”political order” in view of ”war/warfare”. The followings divides Schmitt's main discourse into three incremental phases and structures. Into the first is the ”state of exception” as the base point of ”war/violence” embedment into the ”political order” formation. This is so called the sovereignty as the political units. In following, concern the inter-state relation, Schmitt began to investigate the relationships base on enemy-friend. In this regard, Schmitt claim both of the enmity and warfare are pre-condition of the political dynamics. Finally, Schmitt enlarged his thinking view by starting formulation of the political order relationship at level of global space at stage of World War II. He declared that the contradiction between ”land” and ”sea” (”land-power” and ”sea-power”) is the most fundamental dimension of the human being's political order which is the original meaning of the Greece word nomos. Conclusively, Schmitt argue that all political orders/nomos cannot be thinking without concerning the original violent event, that is the War of land-appropriation.
起訖頁 163-207
關鍵詞 史密特例外狀態戰爭敵人主權政治性秩序Carl Schmittthe state of exceptionwarenemysovereigntythe politicalnomos
刊名 思與言  
期數 200803 (46:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 德國法學正名之爭:「國家教會法」或「宗教(憲)法」?




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