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A Study of the Labor Regime Controlled by Taiwan's KMT Government: Historical & Structural Factors Analysis during the Years of 1949~1987
作者 彭雪玉
This article describes and analyzes historical and structural factors associated with the labor-control carried out by Taiwans KMT government in the period of the Martial Law. The roots of KMTs labor control goes back to the 50 years of Japanese occupation. To achieve political and economic objectives the Japanese government put in place a lot of laws and regulations during its years of control of Taiwan. The effect of Japanese administration was to make Taiwans people accept authoritarianism. KMTs government had the same objectives. To maintain political stability and economic development a ”harmony” labor policy became the hallmark of KMTs labor policy. The mechanism of the KMT government to achieve these objectives was to foster close relationships with entrepreneurs, and establish procedures to keep Industry and Business Associations under its control. The government also became the powerful employer of public enterprises. In addition, the government educated the people to follow Confucian thought. Under KMTs controlled labor regime, trade unions basically became instruments of government policy. They did not have enough organization and power to negotiate employment conditions with their employer. Paying low wages was a key factor that helped Taiwan become one of the four new industrial countries (NICs).
起訖頁 179-230
關鍵詞 勞動體制工業關係勞雇關係勞資關係labor regimelabor policyindustrial relationslabor relations
刊名 思與言  
期數 200609 (44:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從意識型態到經國治術福利國家作為國富民強之道
該期刊-下一篇 「告別革命」與中國政治研究




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