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On Hannah Arendt's Theory of Pouvoir Constituant
作者 莊國銘
The inquiry of the idea of pouvoir constituant is a very important issue in political theory. The action of constitution-making is different from that of constitution amendment. In the case of the action of constitution amendment, its power and legitimacy come from pouvoir constitué, but it is not so in the case of the action of constitution-making. The action of constitution-making can take place in two occasions only: 1) the creation of a new state and its new constitution; 2) a country abandons its old constitution and creates a new one. In neither cases, pouvoir constituant can come from pouvoir constitué. According to Carl Schmitt's theory of constitution-making, pouvoir constituant is a pure power, a will to create from nothing. Such power is intimately connected with the idea of sovereignty, and this connection can be found in both the political theology and monarch sovereignty and the principle of modern polity and popular sovereignty. Schmitt emphasized the actual existence of this power, and argued for the unconstrainability and indissolubility of pouvoir constituant by referring to the examples of nations which abandoned their old constitutions and created new ones. Hannah Arendt shared the same starting point with Schmitt. She agreed that pouvoir constituant is not constrained by pouvoir constitué. However, she and Schmitt did differ upon one point. Through her study of American political history, Arendt found that pouvoir constituant, being unconstrained by pouvoir constitué, could very much likely be constrained by the democratic spirit and ways of deliberation fostered by the political culture in a mature democracy. Arendt gave up the mode of thinking of French political theology and turned to that of ancient Greece and Rome, intending to get rid of the vicious circle by giving up the search for higher laws with transcendental origins. The lesson she learned from the political histories of ancient Greece and Rome was that the self-disciplined autonomous creation is both possible and had actually happened in history. Arendt's theory provides a theoretical resource to Taiwanese society. It reveals that the action of constitution-making should not appeal to pure power, despite that such power is a legitimate one and is unconstrained by any pouvoir constitué. In a nation with an established democratic culture and a popular sovereignty claim, it is still necessary to undertake the action of constitution-making by negotiating an unanimously agreed procedure in advance and proceed according to it and the rules of democracy.
起訖頁 173-203
關鍵詞 鄂蘭制憲權憲法的權力憲政主義政治神學主權承諾Arendtpouvoir constituantpouvoir constituéconstitutionalismpolitical theologysovereigntypromise
刊名 思與言  
期數 200512 (43:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 野蠻與宗教:柯靈烏⋘新利維坦⋙與其政治思想中的文明兩極
該期刊-下一篇 制度共和主義:托克維爾自由觀之重塑




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