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Reading and Life: The Relationship between Jun Daiying's Family Life and the Ladies' Journal
作者 周敘琪
This essay takes Jun Daiying, a new intellectual youth who strove hard to realize new culture, as an example, analyzing the relationship between his reading of Ladies' Journal and the ideals of family life. This paper uses reading and gender studies as an analytical tool, focusing on two things: 1) analyzing this journal's gender issues from the perspective of gender differences, this paper attempts to understand Jun Daiying's special representative meaning among different groups of readers. Furthermore, this paper explores Jun Daiying's experience as a writer who submitted his articles journals and magazines, analyzing the differences between articles he wrote for different magazines, and those he wrote for the Ladies Journal. Secondly, this paper uses his diaries as material for understanding his reading life, to explore how he interpreted and used the Ladies Journal to create his ideal family life. His diaries are also used to understand how his life reflects the family life, and the ideals and hopes of the youth of the early republican era.
起訖頁 107-190
關鍵詞 婦女雜誌惲代英家政閱讀性別研究Ladies' Journal Funu ZazhiJun Daiyingfamilyreadinggender study
刊名 思與言  
期數 200509 (43:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 新式出版業與知識份子:以包天笑的早期生涯為例
該期刊-下一篇 閱書消永日:良友圖書與近代中國的消閑閱讀習慣




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