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From Han-lin Scholar to Merchant-A Case Study of Zhang Yuan-ji (1892-1926), Manager of the Commercial Press
作者 孫慧敏
This Paper explores the changing career pattern of the Chinese literati in early 20th century through a case study of Zhang Yuan-ji, the manager of the Commercial Press, who was formerly a scholar in the prestigious Han-lin Academy. Zhang apparently accepted his new career without hesitation. He could have been affected by the growing respect for business at the time, as well as the the hope that he could enlighten the people through the growing publishing market. Publishing offered a point of contact between the interests of merchant and scholars. Zhang obtained a knowledge of book marketing and publishing through professional experience early career through such posts as sales agent for Shi-wu bao and director of the translation department of Nanyang Gongxue. Zhang began his career at the Commercial Press as a chief editor and business adviser. He became a manager in the 1910s when the company was in danger. By insisting on cost-controls, efficient management, and diversifying products and markets, he successfully led the company out of trouble successfully. Zhang worked as hard as possible for the company, not because he was himself a major stockholder, but because he saw it as a too to realize his cultural ideals.
起訖頁 15-52
關鍵詞 張元濟商務印書館士商關係Zhang Yuan-jithe Commercial Presscareer patterns
刊名 思與言  
期數 200509 (43:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 開拓近代中國歷史圖象的新天地「近代中國的閱讀、出版與文化」專輯.導論
該期刊-下一篇 新式出版業與知識份子:以包天笑的早期生涯為例




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