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The Professional Ethics of Legislators and the Legislative Yuan Reform
作者 王定村
This paper argues that the establishment of legislator professional ethnics is the key to the success of the Legislative Yuan reform. In recent years, parliamentary reform has been the focus of democrazation and became one of the main election campaign issues in Taiwan as well. In general, the inefficiency and chaos of the Legislative Yuan was blamed upon the legislators, particular the number of the parliamentary seats. In order to improve the function of the Legislative Yuan, some suggested that the seats numbers should be reduced from 225 to 150, and extended the three-year tenure to four years to coincide with the presidential tenure, and also replaced the small electorates with multiple seats to single-seat electorates with proportional representation. However, will these efforts make the reform success? Beside the institution reforms, in my point of view, another critical aspect is: how do the legislators cultivate that profession ethics and expertise? Therefore, this paper stresses that only both outer and inner force reform, such as constitution structure, electoral system, media supervision, professional ethics, would then make the Legislative Yuan reform work, not only improving the role of the legislators but also the function of the Legislative Yuen.
起訖頁 31-64
關鍵詞 角色功能專業能力專業倫理立法院常設委員會選民雙首長制傳播媒體role functionexpertiseprofessional ethicsthe Legislative Yuenvotersmass media
刊名 思與言  
期數 200403 (42:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 駭客倫理與新教倫理:作為西方法律文明的再現
該期刊-下一篇 確當的勞動、教育與文化:工匠勞動的意義




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