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Is Idleness Bad? Early Life Experiences, Social Capital and Leisure Activity of Taiwanese Youths
作者 周玉慧
本研究採取人格特質與社會資本論觀點,目的在於分析台灣青年休閒活動參與的現況與特色、探討青年個人因素與環境因素對休閒活動參與之作用,以及休閒活動參與和青年心理健康之關聯。資料來源為「青少年成長歷程研究計畫」於2002、2005 及2007 年的1,739 份長期追蹤資料,使用變項包括休閒活動、人格特質、社會資本(家人、同儕、師生關係)、生活經驗、個人心理健康,以及其他控制變項。結果發現,台灣青年最常參與的十八項休閒活動中,以上網為首,而聽音樂、看電視、電影、雜誌等靜態視聽活動的參與度亦高,這些休閒活動可分為四類:興趣嗜好、外出遊樂、靜態視聽及電動網路活動。青年的人格特質、社會資本,或是生活經驗對休閒活動參與之影響,以及休閒活動參與和心理健康之關聯,均因性別與休閒活動因素而明顯不同。值得注意的是,「興趣嗜好活動」有助於青年心理健康,但「外出遊樂活動」將增加憂鬱度、「靜態視聽活動」會降低自我評價,惟「電動網路活動」與心理健康的改變並無關聯。
From the viewpoints of personality and social capital, this research investigates the degree and feature of leisure activity participation, examines the functions of personal and environmental factors in leisure activity participation, and explores the correlation between leisure activity participation and mental health of Taiwanese youths. Data (n=1,739) were based on a panel study conducted by the Taiwan Youth Project in 2002, 2005 and 2007. Eighteen items of leisure activity and scales of personality, social capital (family, peer and teacher), life experience, mental health and other control variables were analyzed. The results indicate that the most frequent activities for Taiwanese youths are net surfing, music listening, TV watching, movie watching, and magazine reading. Items of leisure activity could be classified into four factors: Interests and Hobbies, Out-going for Fun, Watching and Listening, and Net and Game. The influence of personality, social capital, and life experience on leisure activity participation, and the connection of leisure activity participation and mental health vary with gender and leisure activity factors. Noticeably, participation in Interests and Hobbies increases self-esteem and decreases depression; participation in Out-going for Fun increases depression; and participation in Watching and Listening decreases self-esteem. However, there is no connection between participation in Net Surfing and Computer Game activities and changes in self-esteem or depression.
起訖頁 1-37
關鍵詞 人格特質心理健康休閒活動參與社會資本青年personalitymental healthleisure activity participationsocial capitalyouths
刊名 社會分析  
期數 201208 (5期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
該期刊-下一篇 台灣中老年女性家庭照顧者經濟安全之研究




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