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When Joseph Schumpeter Meets Adam Smith in Beijing: Innovation with Chinese Characteristics
作者 謝宏仁劉書羽辛年豐
本研究主旨為評析Giovanni Arrighi 2007 年的著作《亞丹‧斯密在北京》,文中他宣稱中國遼闊的市場服膺亞丹‧斯密學派的論點。Arrighi等人也聲稱中國將取代美國,成為環球經濟的引擎。然在知識經濟當道的二十一世紀中,此種論述並不十分適合我們。在試想熊彼得和斯密的辯論中,我們能獲致一個結論:即中國的山寨機產業,使2 位學者達成某種意識形態上的妥協。但並不相稱的是,對於智慧財產的侵犯,使得中國的手機產業能生產出優於外國大廠性能的產品。對此本文指出,吾人可以將依賴有中國特色的創新之手機產業為經濟發展的一個反例。
The aim of this paper is to critique Giovanni Arrighi's 2007 masterpiece, Adam Smith in Beijing, in which he declares that the tremendous capacity of the Chinese market is predicted by Smithian principles. Arrighi et al. have also claimed that China will replace the US as the engine of the global economy. This view seems overly optimistic to us, given China's weak intangible assets in the twenty-first-century knowledge-based economy. An imagined debate between Schumpeter and Smith leads us to conclude that the Shanzhai (knock-off) handset industry allows the two savants to agree on an ideological compromise. Incongruously, intellectual property infringement allows Chinese handset companies to outperform foreign giants. Accordingly, we argue that the handset industry relies on innovation with Chinese characteristics as an alternative to economic development.
起訖頁 119-155
關鍵詞 亞丹‧斯密Arrighi創新智慧財產熊彼得山寨機Adam SmithGiovanni Arrighiinnovationintellectual propertyJoseph SchumpeterShanzhai(knock-off)handsets
刊名 社會分析  
期數 201202 (4期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
該期刊-上一篇 紀律與現代性:馬克思的論點




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