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客家公共事務學報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On the Hakka Resident's Identification under the Cultural Reconstruction Policy of the 921 Earthquake: A Case Study of Shin-She Community
Until now, 921 earthquake has been ten years already. After that, Shin-She, which is located in Hakka culture area vanishes rapidly. Taking this into consideration not only urgent to promote region industry and culture promotion community but also urge the region of Hakka's culture value orientation and legacy. The researcher goes deep into community carries on the case and observes the activity participation of the region representation. The primary intention lies in probing into the Hakka's residents' newly creation of region restructure culture. The reappearance of Hakka's culture image, the transformation or the innovation of the region culture industry, also the influence of the plan of the policy within this region to residents. This researcher has discovered : First, the industrial culture's innovation is relating to the essence economic life aspects of the local residents. Second, the appearance of local area culture is the core value which the region culture remolds. Third, how to make the region industry and the recreation of culture become more significant. The expectation of this research is the consideration reference crucial to give the present policy planners, the local organizations, the residents, and the following researchers. Furthermore, expect this research has the benefits on the reappearance of Hakka's culture image in Shin-She, the legacy, and the impetus of the eternal development.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 重建區域客家文化意象區域認同文化價值定位文化產業culture value orientationregion restructureculture industrialHakka's culture image
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201011 (2期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-下一篇 族群競合與社會文化永續:以台灣客家族群為例




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