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A Meta-Analysis of Social Skills Intervention for Individuals with High-Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome
作者 吳佳蒨鈕文英
Purpose: This study used meta-analysis to explore the application and effect of 33 social skill interventions on individuals with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. Methods: Meta-analysis was adopted to analyze studies published in peer-reviewed journals in English between 2000 and 2011. The studies used single case designs. Percentage of non-overlapping (PND) was employed to calculate effect sizes. Findings: Most participants were males from elementary school. Fewer participants came from preschool, high school, or postsecondary school and none came from junior high school. Social skill interventions were more effective on participants from preschool than from elementary school. The effects on high school and postsecondary students were high; however, the effect on female students was less than on males. Single interventions were more frequent than were multiple ones, and the effect of the former was better than was the latter. Adult interventions (less parental participation) were more frequent than peer interventions and more frequent than a combination of both types of interventions. The effects of adult and peer mediated interventions were moderate. The individual format was used widely. The effect of an intervention delivered by combining the group format with the individual format was excellent; the effect of the individual format was moderate, and the group format alone was mild in effectiveness. Simulated settings with authentic components were employed and had moderate effects; natural settings had no effect. A cognitive behavioral approach was most often employed and was moderately effective. A behavioral approach was also effective. However, a cognitive approach had only a mild effect. Most studies targeted only one type of social skill; a few studies targeted social cognition with mild effect No study targeted nonverbal communication alone. However, certain studies targeted nonverbal communication combined with other types of social skills. Studies that targeted any 3 types of social skills were highly effective. Studies that targeted only 1 type of social skill were the next most effective. Studies targeting 2 or 4 types of social skills were mildly effective. Interventions had a greater effect when the assessment was held in simulated settings versus natural settings. Simulated settings were moderately effective, whereas natural settings had no effect. Finally, the effect of acquisition was moderate, and the effect of short-term generalization was mild; however, short-term and longterm maintenance and long-term generalization had no effect. Those studies that collected treatment integrity and social validity data had effects that were better than studies that did not collect these data. Conclusions/Implications: first, increasing social skills studies of intervening preschool, secondary, postsecondary, and female individuals with high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome, social cognition, by group format and combining group with individual format, with peers and families’ participation. Second, implementing social skills studies which emphasize treatment integrity and social validity, analyze maintenance and generalization effects, inquire into the methods of advancing intervention effects at natural settings.
起訖頁 029-057
關鍵詞 社交技巧訓練高功能自閉症亞斯柏格症後設分析social skill interventionhigh function autismAsperger syndromemetaanalysis
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201207 (37:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 循著中介系統的脈絡來探討特教與幼教老師在自然情境中的合作歷程
該期刊-下一篇 共享式注意力多元介入方案療效研究:三名學前中高功能自閉症男童的探究




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