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Torture: Perspective from UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment
作者 Manfred Nowak (Manfred Nowak)
臺灣大學法律學院很榮幸能夠主辦雷震民主人權紀念講座的一系列活動。我們特別雀躍能夠邀請到Professor Manfred Nowak,擔任我們的講者。Professor Manfred Nowak,目前任教於維也納大學法學院,他亦為聯合國前人權事務特別報告員,主要職務範圍與調查酷刑相關。今天我們將會有四位傑出的與談人。第一位與談人是鄧衍森教授,臺灣國際法的權威。接下來的與談人是陳貞如教授,一位前景看好的國際公法年輕學者。最後兩位與談人是在臺灣非常致力奉獻於人權保護事務的兩位優秀人權律師:尤柏祥律師與翁國彥律師。尤律師曾經參與許多與死刑有關之重大刑案之辯護。翁律師是臺北律師公會人權委員會主委。臺北律師公會長年以來,對於人權的提倡,做出相當大的貢獻。
It is an honor of this law school to host a series of the Lei Chen Memorial lectures funded by the Lei Chen Memorial Trust on democracy and human rights. We are exceptionally pleased to have Professor Manfred Nowak as our guest speaker. Professor Nowak teaches in the College of Law at Vienna University and is also a former United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Torture. We also have four distinguished discussants today. The first discussant is Professor Yean-Sen Teng, an authority on international law in Taiwan. He will be followed by Professor Chen-Ju Chen, who is a promising junior scholar on public international law. The last two discussants are two very dedicated and prominent human rights lawyers in Taiwan: Mr. Po-Hsiang Yu who has worked on many major cases involving death penalty and Mr. Kuo-Yen Weng who is a chairperson on the Human Rights Committee of the Taipei Bar Association. The Taipei Bar Association has dedicated a great deal of effort on human rights advocacy in Taiwan.
起訖頁 465-501
關鍵詞 酷刑非人道不名譽對待聯合國人權事務
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review  
期數 201209 (7:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 The Introduction of Modern Constitutionalism in East Asian Confucian Context: The Case of Vietnam in the Early Twentieth Century
該期刊-下一篇 Constitutionalism and the Search for Legal and Political Legitimacy in the Asian States




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