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Public Service Outsourcing and Monitoring Mechanism of Medical Service in Prisons
作者 張數捐彭朱如 (Tzu-Ju Peng)
Public-private partakership has become a heated issue. Outsourcing is one of the popular alternatives for governments to provide public services effectively. Collaboration between public sector and private sector enhances the partnership. Meanwhile, this arouses the importance of management issues on managing the public-private cooperative relationships. This research aimed at exploring the characteristics of outsourcing activities and monitoring mechanism. Focusing on medical service outsourcing arrangements of prisons, this study was conducted by qualitative method. Totally, eighteen prisons in Taiwan were investigated. Primary data were collected by in-depth face-to-face interview. In this research, we interviewed forty wardens, vice-wardens and department chiefs who are in charge of medical activities. Six typical medical outsourcing arrangements represent the typical cooperative models between prisons and hospitals. Based on the in-depth case analysis, coupled with discussion from theoretical perspective, three propositions were proposed. Hopefully, this exploratory study contributes more understanding to the management of public service outsoursing contracts.
起訖頁 107-150
關鍵詞 公共服務委託外包公私協力監督機制監所醫療業務public service outsourcingpublic-private partakershipmonitoring mechanismmedical services in prison
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 200503 (3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學第三部門研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 非營利組織商業活動對捐款收入之影響




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