中文摘要 |
由於科技發展日新月異,企業於市場競爭決勝關鍵已從土地、人力等實體資本轉為智慧資產之取得及策略運用,許多知名機構亦著手進行國家或企業創新競爭力排名,如世界經濟論壇發表之全球競爭力報告,以及MIT Technology Review與CHI Research合作發表之TR Scorecard,皆納入智慧資產中代表技術創新能力的「專利」作為評估項目。本研究即以專利為基礎,進行台灣企業科技創新能力研究分析,先由專利核准量多寡綜觀前七十名企業2003年與1998至2002年變化,接著劃分六大產業,蒐整並發展相關專利指標,利用專利資訊進行各項專利指標分析,評估六大產業內各企業的科技創新競爭力表現,最後根據分析結果提出結論及建議,期望藉由本研究所得結果給予企業及政府作為專利佈局及產業發展政策之參考。The advance of the technology changes the prospect of the competition among enterprises. Possessing land and human resources is no longer the only key to success. Instead, the ownership and the use of intellectual property become the key assets. More and more studies include patent as one of the benchmarks for evaluating the technology innovation, such as World Economic Forum, MIT Technology Review and CHI Research. In this study, the authors analyzed the technology innovation of Taiwanese corporations based on the patenting activities. Top 70 corporations were selected based on the number of patents granted during past 6 years. Those 70 corporations were grouped into 6 different industries and the indicators were computed to evaluate the performance of each corporation. The conclusions and suggestions were also addressed in this paper for the government and enterprise's future reference for setting up industrial strategies and patenting plans. |