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Artificial Intelligence, Authoritarian Institutions and Autocratic Idol–The Roadmap for China Model
作者 吳思緯
The application and development of new information and communication technologies such as artificial intelligence(AI), big data, and cloud computing have made amazing progress in recent years around the world. In addition to active economic activities and convenient social life, they are also increasingly used in the political field. Especially the authoritarian regimes use them to obtain political interests, which has attracted the world's attention. Among them, China has its unique development niche, including the moldability of the media and society's intentions, the embedded government-civilian cooperation between government and tech giants, and a society where maintaining stability is more important than any administrative and legal environment in which creates a supervision vacuum. It operates social control in various areas such as facial recognition, online supervision and fake news warfare to promote the restoration, consolidation and expansion of authoritarianism, especially in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After General Secretary Xi Jinping removed the two-term limit through constitutional amendments, and as China mores from a one-party authoritarian government to a dictator-authoritarian government, it will rely more on the spillover effect of the efficiency and economy of AI application technologies, as well as the consolidation of loyalty and self-censorship. In addition to the literature review and theoretical analysis of recent AI development, political system theory, and authoritarian expansion, this article will also use a world value survey to conduct a comparative analysis and construct a geo-humanistic information system's graphic analysis, as the analysis framework, to clarify the roadmap for China model of AI and its authoritarian regime.
起訖頁 37-71
關鍵詞 人工智慧威權體制中國模式地理人文資訊系統Artificial IntelligenceAuthoritarian RegimeChina ModelGeographic Information System
刊名 法政學報  
期數 202011 (29期)
出版單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
該期刊-上一篇 民眾教育程度、媒介使用無反應與政治態度「不知道」




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