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Democracy, governance and immigration willingness: Comparative analysis between mainland China, Singapore and Taiwan
作者 郭淑貞
International immigration has important influences that cannot be ignored in the era of globalization. Therefore, the policy making community or the academic circles have demonstrated increasing interest in the determining factors of emigration willingness. In the past, scholars mostly discussed immigration issues from the economic, social or demographic perspective. However, why do people still want to emigrate when the economy of the state continues to improve? This paper attempts to discuss the possible impact of political factors on international immigration by comparing and analyzing three different countries with different government systems in East Asia namely China, Singapore and Taiwan. Through data analysis, Singaporeans whom country belongs to a hybrid government system, are most satisfied with the quality of democracy and government governance in the country. However, political factors are not the most important key to explain the emigrant willingness of Singaporeans. The respondents in mainland China which is an authoritarian regime do not yearn for traditional Western liberal democracy, instead, they agree with the way the political system works, so there is less willingness to emigrate. As for Taiwan, which belongs to a liberal democracy, its respondents are most dissatisfied with the quality of their democracy and governance. In addition, the willingness to emigrate is also the highest. Furthermore, government corruption plays a key role in individual emigration willingness regardless of democracies or authoritarian regimes.
起訖頁 59-92
關鍵詞 移民意願民主質量治理品質貪腐政治因素emigration willingnessdemocratic qualitygovernance qualitycorruptionpolitical factor
刊名 法政學報  
期數 201911 (28期)
出版單位 淡江大學公共行政學系
該期刊-上一篇 徒法不能以自行:2011年東日本大地震日本政府救災工作之檢討
該期刊-下一篇 我國地方政府從事兩岸城市交流權限之析探:理性選擇制度論的觀點




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